
uDig is an open source desktop GIS development platform. It is also a working open source desktop GIS application.

A flexible application

As an application, uDig is designed to integrate well with as many GIS file formats, databases, and web services as possible. uDig offers a rich collection of desktop and internet GIS functionality to the end user:

  • A high performance rendering pipeline able to handle even the largest data sets
  • Read/write support for ESRI Shape files, PostGIS, DB2, Oracle Spatial, and ArcSDE
  • Complete integration with standard internet data sources such as OGC Web Map Service (WMS) and read/write suport for Web Feature Service (WFS)
  • Coordinate reference system support for all data sources, and on-the-fly coordinate system transformation
  • Integrated access to free public online data, like NASA Landsat archives and daily satellite monitoring

A modular platform

As a platform, uDig provides modular Java development components for the Eclipse "Rich Client Platform" (RCP). These "plugin" components allow developers to embed geospatial intelligence in any Eclipse RCP application.

  • All user interface components built as Eclipse "views", "editors" and "perspectives".
  • All functionality broken down into discrete Eclipse "features" or easy mixing and matching.
  • Full support for network-based installation of optional features and upgrading of existing features.

The uDig platform can also be customized with standard Eclipse RCP "plugins". Like a collection of Lego™ bricks, the uDig environment can be extended, or it can be used as an extension.

Open Source Company

Refractions Research sponsors and develops uDig as an open source project in collaboration with developers from around the world. Visit the uDig open source community site at udig.refractions.net.

Our uDig Projects

SMART Conservation Software

The SMART partnership supports improved law enforcement and biological monitoring in protected areas around the world. They came to Refractions to build a software tool to help meet their needs.

Line Cleaner – BC Ministry of Forests

The British Columbia Ministry of Forests needed a tool to conflate multiple roads databases into a single working layer. Refractions delivered the algorithms and a user interface based on the uDig platform.

Mobile GIS – UN Food & Agriculture Organization

UN FAO needed a data collection tool that could run disconnected and didn't have a per-seat licensing cost. Refractions delivered a simple tool using the uDig desktop platform.
